We can overcome this disease
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I really like what you are doing with this group. Keep up the amazing theme!
I'm having trouble getting an image down on paper i Know what i want it to look like but when i start to draw it doesn't look ... correct, almost like i gave someone else a vague description and they drew it.
happens to me alot as well. best thing i can say is to keep trying, im actually having that issue now. One way to help me, i just keep drawing it. get another piece of paper and trace over it again to help with angles and how big areas are. like if u are drawing a human, but the legs are a bit to skinny, just overlay the previous drawing, copy the parts that u are happy with, and redraw the area u want to fix.
Try going through a very rough sketch of where you want to go. The more lines the better, and make sure you use a light pencil stroke to be able to erase things :)
If you're not satisfied with the way that looks, just start certain parts over, the ones that look odd or bad. This first phase is exclusively to get the basic elements such as anatomy,, done the right way. Then, just progressively go to more detailed strokes
I don't know what your usual method is, but that's pretty much the best thing I can recommend you for now.
Don't hesitate as well to look for references, or drawings to inspire you, that always works wonders :D
I've hit a writer's block on two fanfics I'm working on. Would anyone here like to collaborate with me on one of them?